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94. The First Pumping Session After Birth with guest Kate from Little Bird Lactation

Learn how to get the milk flowing, every time you use your breastpump, by harnessing the power of oxytocin. Plus my guest Kate is sharing her top 3 tips about the first pumping session after birth. This episode will be helpful for ANY pumping session.

Say "hi" to Kate @littebirdlactation on Insta or at

Treat yo self with the Baby Buddha Breastpump (use affiliate discount code BREEZY10 for 10% off)
Check to see if your insurance will cover 6 consults with Bri (for free!)
Join Bri's crew so we can stay in touch.

*This podcast is not "medical advice". Please consult with your Healthcare Provider about your specific situation.

Listen to this episode on Apple Podcasts here. Follow along @breezy__babies on Insta for more tips and tricks.



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